Tableau is a Business Intelligence application which allows the users to create Interactive, Dynamics visualizations with the help of “VIZQL”. VIZQL stands for visualization Query Language (SQL + DL). It is the combination of a structured query language (SQL) which is used to communicate with the data and Descriptive Language (DL) is used to convert the textured data into visualizations.

How Tableau different from other BI tools?

  • Visual Analytics: In Tableau, we can analyze anything in the form of visuals. It takes input as textual data and converts it as Visuals.
  • Faster performance: Tableau gives at least performance 100 times faster than any other tools in the market currently.
  • Any Data: It can analyze any kind of data right from the Data Warehouse to Hadoop and from Hadoop to Excel and even from Excel to Salesforce data.
  • Business Integration: Tableau is tightly coupled with any kind of business very efficiently and accurately within a lesser amount of time.
  • Web and Mobile authoring: We can securely share the analysis reports to anyone according to the needs over the web to even to their mobiles also.

Tableau Components

In Tableau, we have 5 different components.

  1. Tableau Desktop: This is a place where all development work is done. It act’s as a core platform for all Tableau developers.
  2. Tableau server: It is a web-based component, which allows the user to share the visual analytics globally with the help of the Web Browser.
  3. Tableau Reader: It shares the visual analytics locally.
  4. Tableau Public: If we want to share anything publicly, then we have to make use of Tableau public.
  5. Tableau Online: It is the hosted version of “TABLEAU server” in the cloud.

Tableau Tutorial

Tutorial1 – Tableau Environment.

Tutorial2 – Data Connection in Tableau.

Tutorial3Dimensions & Measures.

Tutorial4 – Tableau Desktop environment.

Tutorial5 – Building basic visualization.

Tutorial6 – Working with multiple dimensions.

Tutorial7 – Working with multiple measures.

Tutorial8 – Geographical Analysis.

Tutorial9 – Filters.

Tutorial10 – Parameters.

Tutorial11 – Joins.

Tutorial12 – Coordinates & working with KBC data.

Tutorial13 – Data Blending