What is ABAP data dictionary?
SAP ABAP data dictionary is a central and structured source of data for development of objects. It is a database independent DDL (Data Definition Language) and mainly deals with create, edit, drop the database tables. In data dictionary you can define and maintain objects which are related to database. The ABAP data dictionary can be easily integrated with the ABAP workbench, so all the components of workbench can be easily access the definitions stored in the ABAP dictionary.
Functions of data dictionary :
The important functions of data dictionary objects are as follows.
- Database tables
- Domains
- Data elements
- Views
- Search helps
- Lock Objects
Transaction code | SE11 |
SAP Menu Path | Tools > ABAP Workbench > Development > SE11 – ABAP Dictionary |

1. Database Tables : – Database tables are the collection of fields which contain physical data. It is an object that stores data in the form if rows and columns. So the database tables are made up of rows by columns.
The different types of tables are
- Transparent tables
- Pooled tables
- Cluster tables

2. Domains : – Domains in SAP are used to maintain technical information of field such as data types, data length, value range, etc.
EMP_NO | NUMC | 15 |
EMP_NAME | CHAR | 35 |
3. Data elements : – Data element is the combination of data type, length and description . It is used to maintain fields in this tables or structures – learn how to create data elements in SAP.
4. Views : – View is a logical table that extracts the data from table at run time. Views can be defined using one or more multiple tables – learn how to create view in SAP.
Different view types are
- Data base view
- Maintenance view
- Help view
- Projection view
5. Search helps : – Search helps are used to display all the possible entries in search help window. To display search help window, use function key F4 or search help icon. Types of search helps are
- Elementary search help &
- Collective search help.
6. Local Objects : – Lock objects are used to control the parallel access for the same data by the multiple users i.e. synchronous access to the same data is provided using lock objects. Lock objects in data dictionary should start with the letter E.