SAP ABAP Operators
The source code of SAP ABAP consists of either statement or comment. Statement is a combination of operators, operands, variables, and keywords.
- Operands : – Operands are the variables which you need to perform particular operation.
- Variables : – Variables is the name given to the memory location.

SAP ABAP operators are further classified into different types of operators, they are
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparative Operators
- Logical Operators.
There should be at least one space between any type of operator. for e.g.
A= B :- Invalid
A =B :- Invalid
A = B :- Valid
Arithmetic Operators
SAP ABAP/4 supports various arithmetic operators to perform various mathematical functions. For all Arithmetic operators, the default keyword COMPUTE is added at the beginning of the statement.
Operator | Description | Example |
+ | + (Addition) operator is used to add the values | 5+3 = 9 |
– | – (Subtraction) operator is used to subtract the values | 5-3 = 9 |
* | * (Multiplication) operator is used to multiply the values | 5*3 = 15 |
** | ** operator is used for exponential of values | 5**3 = 125 |
MOD | MOD operator is used for reminder of division of two integer | 5 mod 2 |
/ | / (Division) is used to divide the values | 5/3 = 1.66 |
Comparative Operators
The different types of comparison abap operators are as follows
Operator | Description | Example |
< or LT | Less than | A < B or A LT B |
<= or LE | Less than or equal | A <= B or A LE B |
> or GT | Greater than | A > B or A GT B |
>= or GE | Greater than or equal | A >= B or A GE B |
= or EQ | Equal | A = B or A = B |
<> or NE | Not Equal | A <> B or A NE B |
Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to check the results of more than one statement combination.
Operator | Description | Example |
AND | AND (Is True) operator is used when all the statements are true | IF A > B AND A > C
A is Biggest. ENDIF |
OR | OR (Is True) operator is used when at least one statement is true | A < B OR A < C |
NOT | NOT | ? |