What is SAP ABAP?
SAP ABAP is a fourth generation language and termed as ABAP/4, and the term SAP ABAP stands for Advanced Business Application Programming. The current version of ABAP is object oriented, the programming language is now official called as SAP ABAP Objects. By using ABAP, you can easily write the entire SAP application as per project requirements.
Important concepts of SAP ABAP Module
ABAP Transactions: ABAP transactions are used to modify pre-defined applications based on the requirements of an organization.
BDC (Batch Data Conversion): Batch data conversion helps in transferring the data from SAP system to another SAP system, or transfer from non-SAP system to SAP system.
SAP Scripts : SAP scripts and smart forms maintain communication with the business partners.
ABAP Reports: ABAP reports are used to design and generate reports in SAP. With help of reports, an organization can check daily sales and turn over.
ABAP Workbench: SAP ABAP workbench is a set of tools that can generate components of SAP applications. The important components of workbench are
- ABAP Editor
- ABAP Dictionary
- Screen Painter
- Menu Painter
- Function builder
- Form painter
- Message class builder
ABAP tools : SAP ABAP Tools are used to design and process business requirements such as BDC, LSMW, Scripts, Forms, Screen painter, business workflow, BAPI, ALE and WebDynpro.

SAP Architecture
SAP architecture is designed based on client-server architecture. It is a three tier client server system and called as SAP R/3 system.
- Presentation Layer
- Application Layer
- Database Layer;

Roles of SAP ABAP Consultant
SAP ABAP consultants are mainly responsible for developing SAP R/3 application using standard programming language ABAP. The main roles and responsibilities of ABAP consultants are
- Plays a major role in implementation of SAP software – Modifications and Enchancements
- ABAP language is used for developing the entire ERP SAP software, so ABAP consultants works in every SAP module
- Develop new application using the components of existing application.
How to learn SAP ABAP?
We have designed ABAP tutorials from basics to advanced concepts, so every ABAP beginner can easily learn ABAP/4 programming language for free of cost.