Stock Items in Tally

In Tally, stock items are referred to goods or services that a company manufactures or trade.

Stock items in Tally can be created by two methods, i.e.

  1. Single stock item
  2. Multiple stock items
GroupsName of ItemsUnitOpening QtyRateAmount
Music SystemSony Blue Ray PlayerNos1025,000250,000
Philips DVD playerNos515,00075,000
Sony 5.1 Music SystemNos220,00040,000
TelevisionSony 32 Inch TvNos325,00075,000
LG 32 Inch TvNos420,00080,000
MI 32 Inch TvNos21500030,000
MI 42 Inch TVNos22000040,000

How to create single stock item in Tally

Path: Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 > Inventory Info > Stock Items > Single stock item > Create

Step 1: From the initial screen of Tally, i.e. Gateway of Tally, choose inventory info.

Inventory Info in Tally ERP 9

Step 2: Next screen, choose “Stock items”

Choose stock items in tally

Step 3: Under single stock item, choose create.

Single stock item create in tally

Step 4: In next screen, single stock creation enter the following details.

  • Name: Enter the name of stock item
  • Alias: It can be short name of stock item or another name or product id.
  • Under: Enter the stock group under which this stock item to be specified
  • Category : Enter the stock category of stock item
  • Units: Units of measure to count the stock item
  • Opening Balance: Enter the opening balance of stock item
    • Quantity: Enter quantity of stock item
Create single stock item in tally
  • Rate: When you are entering the rate values for stock item, a new window opens as shown below. Update the following details.
    • Godown: Choose Godown from the list of Godowns.
    • Rate: Enter the rate of stock item
    • Per & Amount values are automatically calculated based on quantity and rate amount.
Stock item rate in Tally ERP 9

After entering the required details, press enter to continue. Choose “yes” to save the details in Tally.ERP 9.

How to create single stock item in Tally

How to create multiple stock items

Path: Gateway of Tally.ERP 9 > Inventory Info > Stock Items > Multiple stock items > Create

Step 1: Under multiple stock items, choose create option as shown below image.

Multiple stock items in tally

Step 2:  In next screen multi Stock item creation, enter the following details.

  • Under group: To update the different types of stock items with different category groups, choose under group as all items.
  • Now update all the required details – Name of item, stock group, stock category, units, opening qty and rates.
Create multiple stock items in Tally

Click on A:Accept to save the entered details in Tally.ERP 9 system.