Apache Spark
- Learn Apache Spark
- Apache Spark Tutorial
- Install Spark on Ubuntu
- Install Spark on Mac OS
- Scala Spark Shell - Example
- Python Spark Shell - PySpark
- Setup Java Project with Spark
- Spark Scala Application - WordCount Example
- Spark Python Application
- Spark DAG & Physical Execution Plan
- Setup Spark Cluster
- Configure Spark Ecosystem
- Configure Spark Application
- Spark Cluster Managers
- Spark RDD
- Spark RDD
- Spark RDD - Print Contents of RDD
- Spark RDD - foreach
- Spark RDD - Create RDD
- Spark Parallelize
- Spark RDD - Read Text File to RDD
- Spark RDD - Read Multiple Text Files to Single RDD
- Spark RDD - Read JSON File to RDD
- Spark RDD - Containing Custom Class Objects
- Spark RDD - Map
- Spark RDD - FlatMap
- Spark RDD - Filter
- Spark RDD - Distinct
- Spark RDD - Reduce
- Spark Dataseet
- Spark - Read JSON file to Dataset
- Spark - Write Dataset to JSON file
- Spark - Add new Column to Dataset
- Spark - Concatenate Datasets
- Spark MLlib (Machine Learning Library)
- Spark MLlib Tutorial
- KMeans Clustering & Classification
- Decision Tree Classification
- Random Forest Classification
- Naive Bayes Classification
- Logistic Regression Classification
- Topic Modelling
- Spark SQL
- Spark SQL Tutorial
- Spark SQL - Load JSON file and execute SQL Query
- Spark Others
- Spark Interview Questions