In this tutorial, you shall learn how to write a program to find the sum of two given numbers in Kotlin.

Kotlin – Sum of two numbers

To find the sum of two numbers in Kotlin, you can use Arithmetic Addition Operator.


In the following program, we take two numbers in x, y; find their sum, and print the output.


fun main() {
    print("Enter first number : ")
    val x = readLine()!!.toDouble()

    print("Enter second number : ")
    val y = readLine()!!.toDouble()

    val sum = x + y
    print("$x + $y is $sum")

Output #1

Enter first number : 20
Enter second number : 40
20.0 + 40.0 is 60.0

Output #2

Enter first number : 2.53
Enter second number : 1.04
2.53 + 1.04 is 3.57

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In this Kotlin Tutorial, we learned how to find the sum of two numbers using Addition Operator.