When preparing for an interview focused on SAP SD’s Copy Control, it’s essential to grasp the depth and application of these functionalities. Copy Control Interview Questions” are a pivotal part of assessing a candidate’s expertise in SAP SD. These questions delve into how data is transferred from one document type to another within the system, a critical process for maintaining data integrity and workflow efficiency.

Copy Control Interview Questions with Answers 2024

Key areas often explored include understanding the purpose of copy requirements, the role of data transfer routines, and the specific transaction codes (like VOFM) used for setting up these configurations. Candidates might also be questioned on more complex scenarios, such as configuring copy control to handle specific business cases like restricting invoice creation on future dates or handling third-party order processes.

An adept candidate should demonstrate a clear understanding of how different settings, like the ‘Complete Reference’ or specific requirement numbers, affect document flow and data consistency. These questions not only test technical knowledge but also evaluate problem-solving skills in adapting SAP SD functionalities to meet unique business requirements.

1. What is the purpose of copy requirement?

Answer: Create document with reference to another document.

Explanation: In SAP SD, copy requirements are used to define the prerequisites for copying data from a source document (like a sales order) to a target document (like a delivery note). This function is crucial for maintaining data consistency and automating the document creation process. It ensures that only when certain conditions are met, the data from the source document is allowed to be copied to the target document.

2. What is the purpose of data transfer routine?

Answer: The item data transfer routine helps to copy the item data from source document to target document.

Explanation: Data transfer routines in SAP SD are used to define how data is transferred from one document to another. This includes which fields are copied and how they are manipulated during the copy. For example, when copying data from a sales order to a delivery note, the routine dictates which specific item data (like material number, quantity, etc.) is transferred and how it is processed.

3. What is the T-code to develop a new requirement and routine?

Answer: T-code [VOFM].

Explanation: VOFM is a transaction code in SAP used for configuring requirements, formulas, output applications, and data transfer routines. It’s a central tool for defining and managing these functionalities, which are integral to various processes in SD, like pricing, taxes, and copy control.

4. How to restrict the number of line items in an invoice?

Answer: SPRO S&D billing billing document country-specific features maintain maximum number of billing items go to our sales org and assign the number of items. Then go to control VTFL and change VBRK/VBRP from 007 to 006.

Explanation: This answer describes the steps to configure the maximum number of line items allowed in an invoice in SAP SD. The process involves navigating through the SPRO transaction to access billing document settings and assigning the maximum number of billing items for a sales organization. The VTFL transaction is then used to modify the copy control settings between delivery and billing documents (VBRK/VBRP), which further controls the line item limit.

5. How to transfer the cost of free goods item to the main item?

Answer: We check Cumulate cost field if we want to transfer the cost of free goods items to main items.

Explanation: In SAP SD, when dealing with free goods (items that are given at no cost with the main product), there might be a need to transfer the cost of these goods to the main item for accounting purposes. This is done by checking the ‘Cumulate cost’ field in the relevant configuration. This action ensures that the cost associated with the free goods is cumulated with the main item, reflecting the total cost accurately.

6. What is the effect or result of a positive effect?

Answer: i) Quantity will be deducted from the open quantity of the source document. ii) Whenever we create a document, the system will copy the open quantity of the source document.

Explanation: A positive effect in SAP SD copy control refers to the reduction of the open quantity in the source document when a target document is created. For example, if a delivery is created referencing a sales order, the quantity in the delivery will be deducted from the open quantity in the sales order. This ensures that the quantity in the order is updated to reflect the actual quantity yet to be delivered.

7. What is the effect or result of a negative effect?

Answer: i) While creating a return order with reference to a contract, the return order quantity will be added to the open quantity of the source document. ii) While creating a return order with reference to a contract, the system copies the closed quantity of the contract.

Explanation: A negative effect is the opposite of a positive effect in SAP SD copy control. It’s used mainly in return processes. When a return order is created with reference to a contract, the return order quantity is added back to the open quantity of the source document. This increases the open quantity, reflecting that the items are being returned.

8. What scenario do we use a negative effect?

Answer: We use a negative effect in between contracts and returns.

Explanation: The negative effect is typically used in scenarios involving contracts and returns in SAP SD. When items are returned (as per the terms of a contract), the negative effect ensures that the system correctly adjusts the quantities in the original contract, indicating that these items are back in stock or available for fulfillment again.

9. While creating an invoice with reference to a delivery even though we don’t have pricing in delivery. How is the system determining pricing in the invoice?

Answer: Pricing source.

Explanation: In SAP SD, when an invoice is created with reference to a delivery document, which doesn’t contain pricing information, the system uses a pricing source to determine the pricing in the invoice. The pricing source could be the original sales order from which the delivery was created. This ensures that the pricing in the invoice is consistent with the agreement made in the sales order.

10. I want the system to determine new prices in the target document. Where is the control?

Answer: If we maintain pricing type B, the system will determine a new price into the target document.

Explanation: In SAP SD, pricing type B is used to indicate that when data is copied from a source to a target document, the system should re-determine the pricing conditions for the target document. This is useful in scenarios where the price might have changed between the creation of the original document and the creation of the subsequent document.

11. What is the billing quantity for third-party without shipping notification and what is the result of it?

Answer: “F”, Billing quantity “F” will help to copy the quantity from MIRO to invoice while creating an invoice to the customer in the third-party process.

Explanation: In a third-party order process without shipping notification, the billing quantity ‘F’ indicates that the invoicing should be based on the quantity recorded in the MIRO transaction (Invoice Receipt). This means that the invoice to the customer will reflect the quantity that has been invoiced by the vendor, ensuring alignment between vendor billing and customer billing.

12. What is the billing quantity for third-party with shipping notification and what is the result of it?

Answer: We maintain billing quantity [E] for third party with shipping notification. Billing quantity [E] will help to copy the quantity from MIGO to invoice.

Explanation: In third-party order processing with shipping notification, the billing quantity ‘E’ is used. This configuration ensures that the invoicing to the customer is based on the goods receipt quantity recorded in the MIGO transaction. It aligns the customer’s invoice with the actual goods received, which is crucial in third-party business scenarios.

13. What happens if I don’t maintain update document flow?

Answer: If we don’t maintain [ ] update document flow, then the line item data will not be updated in table VBFA.

Explanation: The update document flow setting in SAP SD is critical for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information across linked documents. If this is not maintained, changes in line items (like quantities, prices, etc.) won’t be reflected in the VBFA table, which can lead to inconsistencies and issues in tracking the status and details of sales documents.

14. Where is the control that the system will not allow to create an invoice without PGI (Post Goods Issue)?

Answer: Copy requirement 003.

Explanation: The copy requirement 003 in SAP SD is used to ensure that an invoice cannot be created without completing the Post Goods Issue (PGI) process. PGI is a critical step that signifies the physical outbound delivery of goods. This control ensures that invoicing is aligned with actual goods delivery.

15. I want to create an invoice without PGI.

Answer: Change the copy requirement 003 to 011.

Explanation: By changing the copy requirement from 003 to 011, the system allows for the creation of an invoice even without completing the Post Goods Issue. This might be used in scenarios where billing is not directly tied to the physical delivery of goods.

16. Where is the control that the system will allow creating a proforma invoice without PGI?

Answer: Copy requirement 009.

Explanation: Copy requirement 009 is set when the business process allows for the creation of a proforma invoice without the need for Post Goods Issue. Proforma invoices are typically used for preliminary billing documents and might not require confirmation of goods delivery.

17. Where is the control that the system will allow creating multiple proforma invoices for a single document?

Answer: Copy requirement 009.

Explanation: The same copy requirement 009 that allows for the creation of a proforma invoice without PGI also facilitates the creation of multiple proforma invoices against a single document. This flexibility is important in scenarios where multiple preliminary invoices are required for a single sales order or delivery.

18. Even though the split criteria are the same but still the system is splitting the invoice. Where is the control?

Answer: Assignment number and reference number in copy control.

Explanation: In SAP SD, the control for invoice splitting despite having the same split criteria lies in the assignment number and reference number settings in copy control. These settings determine how the system groups or splits line items during the invoice creation process. If these are set differently for each line item, the system might create separate invoices even if other split criteria are the same.

I want to restrict creating an invoice in a future date. Where is the control?

Answer: VBRK/VBRP (we have to develop a new routine).

Explanation: To restrict the creation of invoices with a future date, control can be set in the billing document header and item (VBRK/VBRP). This typically requires the development of a new routine or modification of existing ones to enforce the restriction, ensuring that the invoice date aligns with the company’s billing policies.

19.While creating an order with reference to a quotation, the system is not allowing the deletion of line items in the order. Where is the control?

Answer: If we Complete reference, the system will not allow to delete the items in the target document.

Explanation: This behavior is controlled by the ‘Complete Reference’ setting in SAP SD. When this setting is enabled, it ensures that all line items from the reference document (like a quotation) are mandatorily included in the target document (like a sales order). This prevents users from deleting line items in the order that were present in the quotation, maintaining the integrity of the initial offer.

20. While creating an order with reference to a quotation, I want to change the customer in the order. Where is the control?

Answer: Change the requirement number from 001 to 002.

Explanation: Changing the customer in a sales order while referencing a quotation is controlled by the requirement number in SAP SD. By changing from requirement 001 to 002, the system allows for flexibility in altering the customer details in the sales order, even when it is created with reference to a specific quotation.

21. Where is the control that for a quotation, the system will not allow creating a delivery?

Answer: Requirement number 001.

Explanation: Requirement number 001 in SAP SD is used to control the creation of subsequent documents from a quotation. This requirement ensures that a delivery document cannot be directly created from a quotation, aligning with the standard sales process where a sales order is typically created from a quotation before any delivery processes are initiated.