In to create Full Sandbox and partial Copy Sandbox, Salesforce Sandbox template must be created and applied at sandbox creation. For Developer and Developer Pro Sandbox there is no need to create Salesforce Sandbox template.

What is Salesforce Sandbox Template ?

Salesforce Sandbox template allows user to pick specific objects and data to Full Sandbox or partial copy sandbox to control the size and content of each Salesforce sandbox.

  • When creating Sandbox template, we can select standard and custom object data.
  • Some objects are included before selecting data because they are required in any organization.
  • Sandbox template can understand the relationship of the selected object.
  • Selected object list can be displayed with total selected number.

To create a Partial Copy sandbox and Full Sandbox, we must create and apply a sandbox template at creation time, although there is a maximum of 5 GB of data storage and 5GB of file storage that can be stored. For each selected object in the sandbox template, up to 10,000 records are brought over from the production environment.

How to Create Salesforce Sandbox Template?

In this Salesforce tutorial, we are going to learn about how to create salesforce sandbox template and how this sandbox template is used when creating Partial copy sandbox and full copy Sandbox.

  • Navigate to Setup | Deploy | Sandboxes.

Click on Sandboxes, now a new page will be displayed with three tabs Sandbox, Sand template and Sandbox history.

  • Select Sandbox template | New Sandbox template.
How to Create Salesforce Sandbox Template
  • Enter name (10 character ) and description for the Sandbox template.
How to Create Salesforce Sandbox Template

Adding objects to Salesforce Sandbox template.

To add objects to Salesforce Sandbox template, select the checkbox for each object from the available objects list. Selected objects list will be displayed as shown above. When we deselect the checkbox object will be removed from the selected object list.

  • After confirming all your choices, finally click on Save button.
How to Create Salesforce Sandbox Template

For example, if you have a Salesforce Sandbox template that includes only accounts to create a Partial Copy sandbox then up to 10,000 Account records will be copied into the new sandbox . Unlike the Developer and Developer Pro sandboxes, the Partial Copy sandbox can only be refreshed once every 5 days.