The SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) cycle is a series of processes in the SAP ERP system that starts with capturing a customer’s order and ends with the delivery and payment for that order. It begins with pre-sales activities, followed by creating a sales order, which then leads to inventory sourcing and delivery scheduling. Once the goods are shipped and the delivery is confirmed, billing documents are generated, leading to invoice creation. Finally, the cycle concludes with payment receipt, completing the transaction. This integrated cycle ensures that customer demands are met efficiently and effectively, streamlining the sales process in an organization

Understanding the SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) Cycle

The SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) module is a cornerstone in the efficient management of sales processes in businesses. It integrates key functions from initial product inquiries through to the final billing stage. In this post, we’ll explore various stages like Inquiry, Quotation, Sales Order, and Billing, along with essential transaction codes, document types, and tables involved.

Inquiry and Quotation Process

Inquiry (T-Code VA11)

The journey often begins with an Inquiry (Document Type IN). Potential buyers express interest in products or services. The inquiry phase doesn’t impact inventory levels or financial accounts.

Quotation (T-Code VA21)

Post inquiry, a Quotation (Document Type QT) is generated. It provides the best offer price and validity period for the proposed transaction.

Sales Order Processing

Creating a Sales Order (T-Code VA01)

Moving forward, the Sales Order (Document Type OR) represents a formal agreement with the customer. It includes detailed information about the materials or services, quantities, and agreed prices.

Partner Functions and Delivery

Each sales order integrates various Partner Functions, defining roles like ‘Sold To Party’ or ‘Ship To Party’. The delivery process, initiated with T-Code VL01N, plays a crucial role in defining the delivery plant and shipping point.

Billing and Post-Goods Issue

  • Billing (T-Code VF01)
  • Billing (Document Type F2 for Commercial Invoice) is the final step. It integrates details from the sales order and delivery document, reflecting in the accounting entries. The Post Goods Issue (PGI) step marks the transfer of ownership and impacts inventory accounts.

Tables and Item Categories

Key Tables

  • VBAK (Header Data): Contains key data for sales orders.
  • VBAP (Item Data): Involves material-specific information.
  • LIKP and LIPS: Handle header and item data for delivery documents.

Item Categories

AFN, AGN, TAN: These item categories represent different types of sales items and are essential for correctly processing sales orders and deliveries.


Understanding the SAP SD module’s processes, from class 1 to 12, is crucial for efficient sales management. By using the right transaction codes, understanding the significance of each document type and item category, and correctly utilising the relevant tables, businesses can streamline their sales cycle efficiently.