How to Create sales group in SAP

In this SAP SD tutorials, you will lean how to define sales group in SAP SD step by step. In previous training we have learned how to set up sales area in SAP.

What is Sales Group?

Group of sales employees or organizational unit (branch wise) can be defines as a sales group. A sales office can have number of sales group, so sales group should be assigned to sales office.

Configuration process

You can define sales office through the following navigation method.

  • SPRO -> IMG -> Enterprise Structure –> Definition –> Sales and Distribution –> Maintain Sales Group.

Step 1) Enter T-code “SPRO” in the SAP command field and enter.


Step 2) On execute project screen, click on “SAP Reference IMG

Customizing Execute project SAP Reference IMG

Step 3) On display IMG screen, navigate the menu path and click on sales group.

Step 4) On change view sales groups overview screen, click on “New entries” button to create new sales group in SAP as per company requirements.

Step 5) On new entries sales group screen, update the following details.

  1. Sales Group: – Enter the key that identifies the sales group in SAP. You are allowed to enter maximum three alphanumeric digits.
  2. Description: – Update the descriptive text of sales group.
How to Define Sales Group in SAP

Step 6) After maintaining all the required details of sales group, click on save button choose customize request and save the configured sales group details.

Save sap configuration details

Successfully we have defined sales group in SAP.