Introduction to SAP SD Tables

SAP SD (Sales and Distribution) is a critical module in the SAP ERP system, essential for managing sales and customer distribution data. This module is highly reliant on various tables that store specific types of data. These tables are pivotal for efficient operations, data retrieval, and reporting in the SAP SD module. The keyword “SAP SD Tables” plays a significant role in understanding the structure and functionality of these tables.

Customer Master Tables

KNA1 – Customer Master: General

The KNA1 table contains general information about customers. This includes basic details like customer names, addresses, and communication data.

KNVV – Customer Master: Sales Areas

KNVV focuses on sales-related data for customers. It stores information linked to specific sales areas, such as sales organization, distribution channel, and division.

KNB1 – Customer Master: Accounting

The KNB1 table is crucial for accounting purposes. It stores financial and accounting-related information of customers like their account numbers and payment terms.

KNVK – Contact Persons

KNVK table maintains data about contact persons associated with customers, including names, roles, and communication details.

KNVA – Unloading Point

The KNVA table lists unloading points for goods delivery, an essential aspect for logistics and shipment.

KNVI – Tax Indicators

KNVI keeps track of various tax indicators that are relevant to customers, which is vital for accurate taxation and compliance.

KNVP – Partner Functions

The KNVP table holds data about partner functions associated with customers, such as their roles in sales processes.

KNVD – Documents

KNVD focuses on document-related data linked to customer transactions.

KNVL – Licenses

This table (KNVL) contains information about licenses associated with customers, crucial for regulated industries.

KNVS – Customer Master: Shipping

KNVS stores customer-related shipping information, essential for logistics management.

KNVH – Customer Master: Hierarchies

The KNVH table deals with hierarchical data in customer relationships, useful for structured data analysis.


MARA – Material Master: General

MARA includes general information about materials like their identification and descriptions.

MARC – Material Master: Plant

The MARC table contains plant-specific data about materials, essential for inventory management.

MAKT – Material Master: Short Description

MAKT stores short descriptions of materials, facilitating easy identification and reference.

MARD – Material Master: Storage Location

MARD focuses on storage location data for materials, crucial for warehouse management.

Sales Document

VBAK – Sales Document – Header

VBAK holds header-level data for sales documents, including general information about sales transactions.

VBAP – Sales Document – Item

The VBAP table stores item-level details in sales documents, such as product and quantity.

VBEP – Sales Document – Schedule Line

VBEP contains schedule line information in sales documents, important for delivery scheduling.

VBUK – Header Status / Admin Data

VBUK includes administrative data and status information at the header level of sales documents.

VBUP – Item Status

The VBUP table tracks the status of individual items in sales documents.

VBUV – Incompletion Log

VBUV logs incomplete data in sales documents, crucial for data integrity and completeness.

VBPA – Partner Functions

VBPA maintains partner function data in sales documents, highlighting roles of various partners.

VBBE – Individual Requirement

VBBE stores data on individual customer requirements in sales processes.

VEBA – Contract

The VEBA table holds contract-related data within the SAP SD module.

VBLB – Forecast

VBLB includes forecast data, aiding in demand planning and inventory management.

VBFA – Document Flow

VBFA tracks the flow of documents in the sales process, offering a comprehensive view of transactions.

VBKD – Sales Document: Business Data

VBKD focuses on business-related data in sales documents, like pricing and billing information.

VAKPA – Partner Index

VAKPA provides an index of partners involved in sales transactions.

VEDA – Contract

Similar to VEBAVEDA also manages contract-related data but may have different contextual use.

VBKA – Sales Activity Document

VBKA captures activities related to sales, such as promotions and campaigns.


LIKP – Delivery – Header

LIKP stores header-level data for delivery documents, encompassing general delivery information.

LIPS – Delivery – Item

LIPS contains item-specific information in delivery documents, like product details and quantities.


VTTK – Shipment Header

VTTK captures header-level data for shipments, crucial for tracking and logistics management.

VTTP – Shipment Item

The VTTP table holds item-level details in shipment documents.

VTTS – Stage in Transport

VTTS tracks different stages in the transport process, essential for logistics planning.

VTSP – Stage in Transport per Shipment Item

VTSP provides stage-wise data for each shipment item, offering detailed logistics insights.

VTPA – Shipment Partners

VTPA maintains data about partners involved in the shipment process.


VBRK – Billing – Header

VBRK stores header-level information for billing documents, including overall billing details.

VBRP – Billing – Item

The VBRP table holds item-specific billing information, such as pricing and tax details.


KONH – Conditions Header

KONH manages header-level data for pricing conditions, key for pricing strategies.

KONP – Conditions Items

KONP contains item-level details for pricing conditions.

KONV – Procedure (Billing Doc or Sales Order)

KONV tracks the procedures and conditions applied to billing documents or sales orders.

KOND – Conditions

KOND is another table focused on various conditions, possibly overlapping with KONH and KONP.


SADR – Address

SADR manages address details, a fundamental part of customer and vendor data.

NAST – Output

NAST focuses on output records, like printouts or electronic media outputs.

JSTO – PP Status

JSTO tracks the status in the Production Planning (PP) module, interconnected with SD processes.

STXH – Text: Header

STXH contains header-level text data, useful for documentation and reporting.

STXL – Text: Lines

Similarly, STXL manages line-level text data, completing the documentation aspect.

Customer Master Tables
KNA1  Customer master: General 
KNVV  Customer master: Sales areas 
KNB1  Customer master: Accounting
KNVK  Contact persons 
KNVA  Unloading point 
KNVI  Tax indicators 
KNVP  Partner functions 
KNVD  Documents 
KNVL  Licenses 
KNVS  Customer master: Shipping 
KNVH  Customer Master: Hierarchies 
MARA Material Master: General 
MARC Material Master: Plant  
MAKT Material Master: Short description 
MARD Material Master: Storage Location
Sales Document 
VBAK Sales document – Header
VBAP Sales document – Item
VBEP Sales document -Schedule Line
VBUK Header Status / Admin data 
VBUP Item status 
VBUV Incompletion log 
VBPA Partner functions 
VBBE Individual requirement 
VEBA Contract 
VBLB Forecast 
VBFA Document flow 
VBKD Sales document: Business data
VAKPA Partner index 
VEDA Contract 
VBKA Sales Activity document 
LIKP Delivery – Header
LIPS Delivery – Item
VTTK Shipment header
VTTP Shipment item
VTTS Stage in transport
VTSP Stage in transport per shipment item
VTPA Shipment partners
VBRK Billing – Header
VBRP Billing – Item
KONH Conditions header
KONP Conditions items
KONV Procedure ( billing doc or sales order)
KOND Conditions
SADR Address 
NAST Output 
JSTO PP Status 
STXH Text: Header 
STXL Text: Lines